Henan Art and culture art Development Group Co., LTD

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Guangxu Yuanbao made in Jiangnan Province

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直径:2.83cm thick: 0.13cm weight: 7.36g

In the sixth year of Kangxi (1667), Jiangnan Province was removed and divided into Jiangsu and Anhui provinces。At that time, Suzhou had a mint dedicated to casting copper coins, and its copper coins were marked "Made in Jiangsu Province". To avoid confusion, Nanjing Mint marked its silver coins as "Made in Jiangnan Province".。

"Jiangnan Province" was established after the Qing Army captured Nanjing in 1645 (the second year of Shunzhi) and renamed it Jiangning。It was roughly the size of today's Jiangsu and Anhui provinces and was one of the richest in the country at the time, accounting for one-third of the country's tax revenue in the early Qing Dynasty。After several changes, in the early years of Kangxi, Jiangnan Province was divided into two provinces, Jiangsu and Anhui. The former was named after Jiangning and Suzhou, and the capital was in Suzhou.The name of the latter province comes from Anqing and Huizhou, and the capital is Nanjing。Later, Jiangsu Province would move to Nanjing and Anhui Province to Anqing。In other words, when the Jiangnan Mint was organized in Nanjing in 1896, the "Jiangnan Province" system had already disappeared for two hundred years。Therefore, "Made in Jiangnan Province" is the only coin in the history of Chinese currency that indicates the province but has no name, which is also one of the reasons to attract the interest of senior coin collectors。

At the beginning of its establishment, the full name of the Jiangnan Mint was "Jiangnan Silver Dollar Mint General Bureau", and the equipment was ordered from the British Xidun Mint, which had not yet changed its name to Birmingham, and the machine was fully installed in December 1897 and officially opened on January 17, 1898 (December 25, 23rd year of Guangxu)。中国近现代史学开创者、著名史学家柳诒征1930年左右完成的《线上电子游戏官网》记载:“局铸十文者仅光绪二十三年成数万枚,… …餘无考。According to this speculation, Jiangnan Province made Guangxu Yuanbao each yuan when the money ten, the number of rare can be imagined, especially precious。

In the field of machine coin collection, the most popular is made in Jiangnan Province。Jiangnan made Guangxu Yuanbao, whether it is the dragon or the words are recognized as the most beautiful, because the casting period is short, the number is very small, and the quality is first-class。

This coin is made of Guangxu Yuanbao in Jiangnan Province, the four words "Guangxu Yuanbao" are engraved in the front bead circle, the upper end of the circle is "made in Jiangnan Province", the lower part is engraved in Chinese "each yuan makes money ten wen", followed by the two sides of the year mark "Gui-Mao", the back of the coin is engraved with a dragon, the dragon grain is meticulous, symbolizing the dignity of the royal family。The upper end engrave the English "KIANG NAN", the lower end engrave the English heavy "ten words", and the left and right sides respectively engrave a long six flower star。This coin is rare in the world, wrapped in natural paste, obvious traces of circulation, the product is intact, the carving is exquisite, the process is simply miraculous, the dragon is finely carved, the color is gorgeous, the heart is touching, is extremely valuable, can be called the model of the Qing Dynasty coin casting process, is one of the most precious varieties of modern Chinese mechanism silver coins, rare to。

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